You shouldn’t have to change genders to see your children, Single Father

According to the Vice article, a man in the UK legally changed his gender in order to gain custody of his children after a bitter custody battle. The article does not provide further details about the specifics of the custody case or the man’s motivations for changing his gender.

It is not appropriate and should not be even remotely acceptable for a man to have to change his gender in order to gain custody of his children. Custody decisions should be based on the best interests of the children and the ability of the parent to provide a safe and nurturing environment for them. Gender identity should not be a factor in these decisions. However, because of the completely apparent and documented evidence of court biases toward women and against men, there are many fathers who have no ability to be involved with or interact with their children.

50/50 custody, also known as shared parenting or equal custody, is a arrangement in which both parents have equal responsibility for the care and upbringing of their children. This can include both physical custody, in which the child spends equal amounts of time with each parent, and legal custody, in which both parents have an equal say in decision-making for the child.

There are several reasons why 50/50 custody by default should be the case in all 50 states:

  1. It promotes equality: 50/50 custody ensures that both parents have an equal role in the lives of their children and allows both parents to contribute equally to their care and upbringing. This helps to promote equality and fairness in parenting and allows both parents to maintain a meaningful relationship with their children.
  2. It benefits children: Research has shown that children who have regular and ongoing contact with both parents after a divorce or separation tend to have better outcomes in terms of their academic achievement, social development, and emotional well-being. 50/50 custody allows for this consistent and ongoing contact, which can be especially important for young children who may struggle with the transition to two separate households.
  3. It is more flexible: 50/50 custody allows for more flexibility in terms of scheduling and decision-making, as both parents have an equal say in the care of their children. This can be especially helpful in situations where one parent may have a more demanding work schedule or may live a greater distance from the other parent.
  4. It is more practical: 50/50 custody can be more practical in terms of logistics, as it allows for both parents to share the responsibilities of childcare and reduces the burden on any one parent.

Overall, 50/50 custody is a fair and equitable arrangement that can be beneficial for both parents and children. While it may not be possible or appropriate in every situation, it should be the default custody arrangement in all 50 states in order to provide equality and stability for children and their families.

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