So few resources for you, Single Father

As a single father, you may have noticed that there seems to be a plethora of resources and support available for single mothers, but very little specifically geared towards single fathers. This is a frustrating and often isolating experience for many men who are raising children on their own. But why is this the case, and what factors contribute to the lack of resources for single fathers?

One factor is the lack of government assistance and support specifically for single fathers. Many programs and services that are designed to support single parents are geared towards mothers, with little consideration for the needs of single fathers. For example, according to a report by the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2018, single mothers were more likely to receive public assistance than single fathers (15.9% versus 7.7%), even though single fathers are more likely to live in poverty (22.7% versus 20.9% for single mothers) (DeNavas-Walt, Proctor, & Smith, 2018). This lack of support can make it more challenging for single fathers to provide for their families and may contribute to the feeling of isolation and lack of resources.

Another factor is the imbalanced media coverage and societal attitudes towards single fathers. Single fathers are often portrayed as a rarity or a curiosity in the media, rather than as a normal and common occurrence. This can contribute to the stereotype of the “deadbeat dad,” which further reinforces the idea that single fathers are not capable or responsible caregivers (Gibson, 2011). This negative portrayal can make it more difficult for single fathers to receive support and recognition for the work they do as parents.

Community support and societal disregard can also play a role in the lack of resources for single fathers. Many single fathers report feeling like they are not part of the “mom club,” and that there are few resources or support groups specifically for them (Gibson, 2011). This lack of community support can make it more challenging for single fathers to find the help and resources they need to navigate the challenges of single parenthood.

Unfair family court practices can also contribute to the lack of resources for single fathers. According to The Boy Crisis by Warren Farrell, many family court systems are biased against fathers and often favor mothers in custody cases, even when the fathers are equally or more fit to be the primary caregiver (Farrell, 2018). This can result in fathers losing custody of their children or being granted limited access, which can make it more difficult for them to provide for and support their children.

In addition to these factors, there is also a lack of research and data on single fathers, which can make it more challenging to identify and address the specific needs and challenges of this demographic. According to a review of the literature by Paul R. Amato and Rebecca L. Clark, there is a lack of research on the well-being of single fathers and their children compared to single mothers and their children (Amato & Clark, 1999). This lack of data can make it more difficult to develop resources and support specifically for single fathers.

So, why are there so few resources for single fathers? The answer is complex and multifaceted, and it involves a combination of issues such as the lack of government assistance and support, imbalanced media coverage and societal attitudes, community support and societal disregard, unfair family court practices, and a lack of research and data on single fathers. These issues can make it more challenging for single fathers to find the help and resources they need, and can contribute to feelings of isolation and disregard. It is important to recognize and address these issues in order to better support and empower single fathers.


Amato, P. R., & Clark, R. L. (1999). Parental divorce, child

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