The Rise in Single Fatherhood, according to research

According to a report by the Pew Research Center, the number of single fathers in the United States has risen significantly over the past few decades. In 2013, there were 2.6 million single fathers in the country, making up about 8% of all single-parent households with children under 18. This marks a ninefold increase from 1960, when single fathers made up just 1% of single-parent households.

The rise of single fathers can be attributed to a number of factors, including the increasing number of divorced fathers who are awarded custody of their children and the growing number of men who are choosing to become single fathers, either through the personal decision to avoid marriage or avoid potentially damaging relationships, as well as decisions to adopt or assisted reproductive services (surrogacy).

Despite the challenges they face, single fathers are just as likely as single mothers to be highly involved in their children’s lives. They are equally likely to report that they spend a lot of time with their children and to say that they are the primary caregiver for their children. Single fathers are also just as likely as single mothers to report that they are satisfied with their parenting skills.

It is clear that single fathers play a vital role in the lives of their children and are an important and growing part of the parenting landscape. It is important to recognize and support the unique challenges and responsibilities faced by single fathers, and to ensure that they have the resources and support they need to succeed as parents.

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